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Image by Benjamin Voros
Testimonials: Video


Image by Goutham Ganesh Sivanandam

There really are no words to describe my gratitude for all the work I have done with Mariah. She has helped me so much. I came to Mariah when I was in crisis and she happened to answer the phone. I didn't realize at the time, that was the beginning of a new path for me. Mariah has helped me to see things in a new way, she listens without judgment and lets you see things for yourself through hypnotherapy and deep relaxation. I have learned so much about myself. There were some emotional times and I was able to really look at past behaviors and forgive myself. I always tell people, I could never have done this work through talk therapy. To really dig in deep, I think the tools and techniques that Mariah uses are totally necessary.

K.W., Long Beach, CA

Image by Andrew Neel

I have discovered a sense of peace that I’ve long been searching for through working with Mariah. Her intuitive skills and spiritual approach to therapy has been essential for my personal growth. She has held a supportive and compassionate space for healing the injured parts of myself. In the few months that we’ve had together so far, she has helped immensely with locating my inner strength. Mariah has gracefully given the integral heart space I’ve needed for my cerebral nature. The wisdom and care that she has provided is invaluable and will be with me for life.

A.M., Los Angeles, CA

Image by Doruk Yemenici

I didn't know about hypnotherapy before I was referred to work with Mariah. I felt skeptical about this type of work. I am so glad I was open to work with Mariah. She is an incredible person and she knows her job so well. She is like a magician.  After each session with her, I feel a transformation with incredible changes. I see her once a week, and each time I am left feeing my inner strength, courage, and a belief in myself that I had not previously known. Thank you Mariah. I have been blessed to meet you!

M.S., San Clemente, CA

Image by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird

In my brief time with Mariah my transformation has been nothing less than remarkable. Her gentle technique of space holding and thoughtful inquiry has opened up dimensions of my own being long buried and forgotten. Now, with the clarity and consciousness from that work, I can choose to be with those energies in an entirely new way. Hats off to Mariah for bringing her full self into her work and for sharing her deep capacity for healing with others in need.

F.H., Seattle, WA

Image by alex zeng

Mariah comes from the heart, which is evident immediately upon meeting her. She is both intuitive and inquisitive, capable of guiding you towards asking the right questions and allowing the highest version of self to answer. I was offered a safe environment to explore the healing aspects of hypnotherapy and other concepts integral to my personal progression. Working with someone who is as knowledgeable and yet relatable as Mariah was a breath of fresh air compared to other professionals I have encountered. She shows up for her clients and honors not just who they are, but who they can be. If you are looking for someone to hold space for you to free your mind, you will find your needs met in working with Mariah.

D.B. Long Beach, CA

Image by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen

I have been seeing various talk therapists most of my life, and not all my experiences have been positive. Mariah was able to assure me that I would be held in safety with her right away. She answered all the questions and concerns I had about trying out a new type of therapy, putting my worries at ease. I am someone who has trust issues, but I really trusted her to keep the container comfortable for me enough to let my guard down, and keep it down. She is full of compassion for you, you can tell in the way she talks, listens and guides you in the therapy.

This is different from talk therapy because you are speaking and reflecting from a relaxed state. The somatic aspect of this therapy I find particularly helpful, because you feel like the answers and images are coming from somewhere deeper inside of you, instead of your analytical and socially conditioned brain. I come out of my sessions, feeling pleasantly surprised by what came out of me, and with greater clarity around the issues I’m working through.


I recommend this therapy and Mariah’s approach to anyone who feels like they’ve hit a plateau in talk therapy, or if they sense there is something deeper going on with them that they’re having trouble accessing on a conscious level.

H.C., Seattle, WA

Image by Sigmund

I often scoff at social media, particularly Instagram. Ironically enough, I found one source of the most life-changing experiences there - Mariah. She's been with me on this exploration of the deep psyche for the past 15 months. 

Before meeting and working with Mariah, I worked with a handful of skilled practitioners, paying small fortunes and experiencing minimal changes. After my first session with Mariah, I knew she'd be the one to guide me to a deeper experience and knowing of myself and of life. 

While my childhood had many happy moments, much of the good was shrouded by the more challenging, difficult ones. I grew up in rural, conservative Tennessee, the youngest of three to a single mother. Momma worked many jobs to put food on the table and a roof over our heads. 

Our socioeconomics and a handful of other adverse childhood experiences led to much shame and sadness. Years and years of shame and sadness culminated to a denial of my sexual orientation and expression. It'd be years before my realization and acceptance of that and even more years before I'd be able to recognize the blessings in those very difficult moments. 

Most of these blessings have blossomed forth during my 15 months with Mariah. I have been able to trust myself again. I have rekindled my relationships with loved ones. I have been able to speak my truth in very powerful ways. I am seeing my life reorganize with ease and grace, as I am drawn in directions that seem to be of my highest and greatest good. And as all of this has unfolded, I have been gaining momentum in my financial health. 

And all these shifts were the outcome of 12 sessions and would have not been possible without Mariah's presence and guidance. I am honored to work and to continue working with Mariah.

D.S., Seattle, WA

Testimonials: Testimonials


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